Concatenate cell values in Excel

In some cases, we want to concatenate/join the different column values to create the single value. There are two ways to concatenate the cell values in Excel.

  • Concatenate function
  • ampersand (“&”) Operator

Concatenate function in Excel

We can concatenate both String and Numeric values using the concatenate function. The function requires the cell location (ex.A1,A2) with comma separated value as arguments. Then it combine those cell values and return the single value.

With the given cell values, we can concatenate other string values that needs to mention inside the concatenate function.

Concatenate Strings in Excel using function
Concatenate Strings in Excel using function

Concatenate other string values along with cell values

Here we are going to add the comma(,) between the First name and Last name using the Concatenate function.

concatenate strings with cell values in Excel
concatenate strings with cell values in Excel
Added comma between FirstName and LastName in Excel
Added comma(,) between FirstName and LastName in Excel

Ampersand (&) operator to concatenate string

The other way to concatenate columns in excel is ampersand(&) operator. We need to prepare the formula like Firstcell location and (&) operator and the next location to get the concatenated string values.


Lets combine the FirstName,MiddleName and LastName in Excel using & operator.

Concatenate string using ampersand operator
Concatenate string using ampersand operator
concatenate string values with comma using ampersand operator
concatenate string values with comma using ampersand operator

The Full name is formed from the First/Middle/Last Name using the & operator as below

 Concatenated string values using & operator
Concatenated string values using & operator