How to run BigQuery SQL using Jupyter notebooks in GCP?

Jupyter notebook in GCP

The Jupyter notebook is an open-source web application that allows us to create and share documents. It contains live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. It uses include data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, data visualization, machine learning, and much more.

In GCP, we can create Jupyter notebook using Vertex AI service. It can be customized in terms of resources and environments.

Set up Jupyter notebook in GCP

  • First enable BigQuery API and Notebooks API
  • Next go to Artificial Intelligence section in GCP console and select Vertex AI -> Workbench
Create notebook using Vertex AI in GCP
Create notebook using Vertex AI in GCP
  • Now select New Notebook to view the list of available options. For this tutorial, we are selecting Python 3 notebook instance to run BigQuery SQL.
Python 3 notebook in GCP
Python 3 notebook in GCP
  • In the pop up window, we need to provide the Notebook name and select the region and zone.
    • If we are satisfied with the predefined Notebook properties, we can just click the create button.
    • Otherwise we need to click Advanced options to change the properties of notebook instance.
Create new notebook in Vertex AI
Create new notebook in Vertex AI
  • We have selected the Advanced options to change few properties and clicked Create button. As shown below, notebook instance is created successfully.
Python3 notebook instance in GCP
Python3 notebook instance in GCP
  • We have clicked the OPEN JUPYTERLAB button and it opened the notebook as below.
Jupyter notebook in GCP
Jupyter notebook in GCP

Set up Github for notebook in GCP

Let’s set up Github repo for the notebook. If we don’t want to push the notebook changes to Github, we can ignore these steps.

  • First we logged into and clicked Create repository button to create new repository for GCP notebook.
Create new repository in Github
Create new repository in Github
  • Created the new repository with the name as rc-notebook-gcp
repository creation in Github
repository creation in Github
  • Copied the Github link to clone this repo in GCP notebook
Git link to clone the branch
Github link to clone the branch
  • In notebook home page, we have clicked the Git icon and provided the Github link to clone the repo.
Clone repo in Notebook
Clone repo in Notebook
  • After clicking the Clone button, we could see our repo name in notebook.
Cloned repo in notebook
Cloned repo in notebook
  • Now we can go inside the folder rc-notebook-gcp and launch Python3 notebook to start writing the queries.
Launch notebook in GCP
Launch notebook in GCP
  • Also we renamed the notebook file by right clicking it as below
Rename the notebook file in GCP
Rename the notebook file in GCP

Run BigQuery in notebook

Using BigQuery magics %%bigquery, we can run the BigQuery SQL as below in notebook.

Running BigQuery in notebooks
Running BigQuery in notebooks
  • To save the query results to new pandas dataframe, we need provide the variable name after BigQuery magics
Save BigQuery results to Pandas Dataframe
Save BigQuery results to Pandas Dataframe

Commit the notebook changes in GCP

  • From the left side of notebook menu, we need to click Git icon as below. It will show the changed files under Untracked category. We have to select the plus (+) sign to move these files to Staged category.
Untracked changes in Notebook
Untracked changes in Notebook
  • As shown below, the file moved under Staged category. Then we need to enter comments and click the commit button.
Commit changes in Notebook
  • To commit the changes, we need to provide the Github user name, email id and click Ok.
Providing Github username and email id for committing notebook changes
Providing Github username and email id for committing notebook changes

Push the notebook changes to Github

  • To push the committed changes, we need to click the upload icon from Git menu.
Push committed changes from Notebook
Push committed changes from Notebook
  • Next we need to give the Github credentials/access token and click Ok.
Providing Git credentials for pushing committed changes
Providing Git credentials for pushing committed changes
  • After pushing the changes, we can see our notebook rc-bq-test.ipynb file in our Github repo.
GCP notebook ipynb file in Github
GCP notebook ipynb file in Github
  • As shown below, our changes are present in Github.
GCP notebook changes in Github
GCP notebook changes in Github

Delete notebook instance in GCP

Once we pushed all our changes to GitHub, we can delete the notebook instance by clicking delete button as below.

Delete notebook in GCP
Delete notebook in GCP

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