How to read BigQuery table using PySpark?

Spark BigQuery Connector

The Google Cloud team has created the set of connectors to access the data in GCP. To access BigQuery using Spark, they have released the Apache Spark SQL connector for Google BigQuery. Under the project Google Cloud Dataproc in GitHub, we can check more information about this connector. In this tutorial, we will use that connector and write a PySpark program to read the BigQuery table.

Prerequisites to read BigQuery table using PySpark

  • Spark BigQuery connector jar file – We can download this connector file either from GitHub or GCS library gs://spark-lib/bigquery/. The connector files are available for different Spark/Scala versions. We need to check Spark Compatibility Matrix in GitHub and download the respective connector jar based on our Spark version. Using gsutil ls command, we can list down all the connector files. Then we can copy it to our machine using gsutil cp command.
  • Service account and its key – To access the BigQuery programmatically, we need a service account and its key which is used to verify the client identity in BigQuery.
  • Permissions – To read a BigQuery table using Service account, we need the following roles for our service account
    • BigQuery Data Viewer
    • BigQuery Job User
    • BigQuery Read Session User

PySpark program to read BigQuery table

Step 1 : Import modules

In order to create Spark session, we need to import the SparkSession from pyspark.sql module

Step 2: Create a Spark session

In the below statement, we are creating the Spark session using SparkSession.builder(). Since we are going to run this program in local machine, we set the master as local.

If we want to run this program in GCP DataProc cluster, we can set the master as yarn. Also the name of application is set it as “spark-read-from-bigquery”.

Step 3 : Read data from BigQuery table

Using Spark Dataframe Reader API, we can read the data from different sources. Here we are reading the data from BigQuery by setting the as bigquery. Also BigQuery related options are set in the command. Please refer GitHub for more such options.

  • credentialsFile – To authenticate BigQuery using Service account, the path of the service account key file is set in this option.
  • table – The option table is used to set the BigQuery table name from which we are going to read the data. We have given the table in the format <project_id>.<dataset_name>.<table_name>.

Step 4: Print the dataframe

In this step, we are just printing the BigQuery data and its schema from Spark dataframe.

Local setup configuration and BigQuery table

Before running the program, we just want to show the version details of Spark,BigQuery Connector and Java in our local machine.

Source BigQuery table : rc_fin_test_tables.compliance_base

Read BigQuery table in PySpark
Read BigQuery table in PySpark

Command to submit PySpark job in local

Now we can run the PySpark program using spark-submit command as below. In the command, we have included the Spark BigQuery connector jar file as well.


As shown below, the Pyspark program has read the data from BigQuery table and printed the records in the logs.

BigQuery data in Spark dataframe
BigQuery data in Spark dataframe

Command to submit PySpark job in DataProc Cluster

We can submit this PySpark program to GCP DataProc Cluster using gcloud command. To do so, Please follow the below steps and submit the gcloud command

  • Create DataProc Cluster in GCP
  • Upload the Service account key file in GCP VM instance which is created during the cluster creation.
  • Get the service account key file path in VM instance and Update it in PySpark Program
  • Set the master as yarn in the program => SparkSession.builder.master(‘yarn’)
  • Provide the DataProc Cluster name and region name in the gcloud command as below

Once the spark job is completed successfully, we can delete the Dataproc cluster to reduce the cost in GCP.

Complete PySpark program for your reference =>

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